Tuesday, January 15, 2008


The economy is growing at a fast pace, businesses are becoming bigger, regulations becoming complex, international relation, law and order, defence, planning and other important government
functions facing new challenges have made it necessary to professionalise the government. The government’s bureaucratic structure from top to the bottom has been working around a system which were designed much before independence and although the Government of India and the State Governments have made some efforts to improve the skill set of its cadre. The society, the country at large, the businesses, the international community and various other stakeholders expect improved
and high quality service delivery and smooth regulation. This expectation has brought in bigger challenge for the government The Indian Administrative Service and other allied services need revamping so that in future professionally and technically qualified personnel equipped with latest ultramodern technology in their own field are identified and appointed by the Government in all key positions suiting to their respective professional discipline. The current senior bureaucracy would
require a comprehensive training for strengthening professional skills and technical capability among them for effective domain management. The IAS and allied officers are among the brightest intellectuals; still a comprehensive training and skill development programme will not only add efficiency and efficacy but will also equip them to meet new challenges with significant capability and professional delivery. This initiative will bridge the gap of ground realities at present and our
perspective vision to make India an economic superpower. to have deeper and comprehensive planning for skill development within the Governance systems. The requirement of skill development, professional training in  structured manner is a far and deep cry at the lower levels and
necessitates a comprehensive programme by the central government as well as by the state governments to train all their people with specialized skill set, modern techniques and most importantly technical skills and professional management techniques. Above all, what we need is a perfect attitudinal shift among st all in governance to have trust in themselves as well as in the service expecting stakeholders. These can achieve the need for transparency, eradication of corruption and quick and efficient response, quick, efficient and responsive government. We need systems to facilitate rather than regulate in a watertight manner.


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