Monday, December 15, 2008


The unprecedented invasion on Indian sovereignty by terrorists has shaken the very nerves of every Indian. It is a warning signal to the entire society to be more vigilant, more demanding and more forthcoming to defend themselves. It is necessary to brutally weed out all terrorists and also to strategically eliminate terrorism. Terrorists have no religion. Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Jain and Bodh all the religions teach and preach to inculcate human values, to ensure a peaceful and constructive living for one and all to make this mother earth a beautiful place for humanity to survive and flourish. There is no reason to have suspicion or to divide the society in the name of religion. We all have to live together with mutual trust and harmony. Faith is the most important element which needs to be kept by word, by thoughts and conduct by each and every member of society. Polity and the politicians are one of the most important necessities of society and for successful and effective
functioning of democracy. Unnecessarily maligning politicians as a class will only desist good people to join politics, which will be suicidal for society. At the same time, the time has come where politicians have to do soul searching that power is not for enjoyment but to serve citizenry. Only the citizens with the zeal to serve with righteous virtues are needed in the polity. Some important suggestions to be considered by the society, thinkers, politicians and opinion makers of this country are as follows:

  • Strategically create mutual trust and faith among various religions, classes of society. Involve religious leaders proactively.
  • Deal aggressively with the terrorists, their supply line in terms of logistics, money, arms and ammunitions and most importantly banish moral and local support.
  • Internationally ensure that terrorists are not able to have access to arms and ammunitions. All soverign countries, manufactures and dealers of arms and ammunitions must have self regulatory and ethical Code of Conduct in place to ensure that they do not eventually serve the terrorism by supplying, directly or indirectly, their products to unwarranted elements. Failure to follow a well publicized code of ethics in this regard can be made very severely punishable by international collective action.
  • It is important to have a very quick trial and punishment mechanism for terrorists. In most cases it may not be necessary to give them benefit of principles of natural justice, civil liberties and human rights. Terrorists cannot have any rights of any kind whatsoever.
  • The design of terrorists and the forces behind them for aggression against India is to destabilize our economy, tourism, the economic growth and our strategy to become number one economic power in the world. We cannot permit any invasion of any kind.
  • The media, including the electronic and print media may be subjected to ethical discipline by ensuring that the terrorist activities are least publicized to reduce the impact of terrorism. Terrorist understand very well that the media is there to make their (in)human acts known to all. Once publicity is restricted the brutal and evil designs of terrorist will not be propagated.
  • It is very important to ensure that the names of the terrorists are not published or publicized with a view to maintain religious harmony, as the names, most of the times give wrong signals and result to provide benefit to divisive forces only. Terrorist is a terrorist, has no religion.
  • There is need to have a hard talk with Pakistan and if necessary to aggressively weed out terrorist camps by combat action. 

We as a nation are one, India will not any recurrence of such event.


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